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Business Studies 

“To me, business isn’t about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It is about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials.”

Richard Branson, Virgin Group.

Our curriculum vision is to develop the knowledge and skills students require for higher education and employment; skills to analyse data, think critically about issues and make informed decisions. We encourage our students to follow business developments and think critically about contemporary business issues. Our aim is to prepare students for the dynamic and global business environment in order to become future business leaders and captains of industry.

Students at Bordesley Green Girls' School and Sixth Form are given knowledge about business in a variety of contexts. Key functional business areas are introduced such as marketing, operations, finance and human resources. Students study the interrelated nature of business activities and its impact on decision making. They investigate the strategic decisions that all businesses have to make. Students are presented with a variety of stakeholder perspectives, which allows them to make well-informed decisions, whether their future aspirations are to become an employee, an entrepreneur, a corporate executive or even the Chancellor of the Exchequer.


 OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge Nationals in Enterprise and Marketing

Year 10

Year 11

AQA A Level Business

Year 12

Year 13

Year 10


Topic/Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment


Unit R064:

§  Learning Outcome 1: Understand how to target a market:

§  1.1 The need for customer segmentation

§  1.2 Types of market segmentation

§  1.3 The benefits of market segmentation

§  1.4 The purpose of market research

§  1.5 Primary (field) market research methods (physical or digital) and their benefits

§  1.6 Secondary (desk) market research sources and their benefits

§  1.7 The types of customer feedback techniques available to business start-ups

Unit R065:

§  Learning Outcome 1: Be able to identify the customer profile for a business challenge:

§  1.1 Identify potential customers and build a customer profile

§  Learning Outcome 2: Be able to complete market research to aid decisions relating to a business challenge:

§  2.1 Carry out market research

§  2.2 Review the results of market research 

Unit R064:

§  Exam for topics 1.1 - 1.4

§  Cumulative exam for topics 1.1 - 1.7

Unit R065:

§  Task 1: Identify the customer profile for a business challenge product

§  Task 2: Complete market research to aid decisions


Unit R064:

§  Learning Outcome 3: Understand product development:

§  3.1 The product lifecycle

§  3.2 Extension strategies for products in the product lifecycle and the appropriateness of each,

§  3.3 How to create product differentiation

§  3.4 The impact of external factors on product development

Unit R065:

§  Learning Outcome 3: Be able to develop a design proposal for a business challenge:

§  3.1 Produce product designs for a business challenge

§  3.2 Review product designs 

Unit R064:

§  Cumulative exam for topics 1.1 - 1.7 and 3.1 - 3.4

Unit R065:

§  Task 3: Produce a design for a business challenge

§  Task 4: Develop a proposal for a business challenge


Unit R064:

§  Learning Outcome 2: Understand what makes a product or service financially viable:

§  2.1 Cost of producing the product or service

§  2.2 Revenue generated by sales of the product or service

§  2.3 Use of break-even as an aid to decision making

§  2.4 Profit level

§  Learning Outcome 4: Understand how to attract and retain customers

§  4.1 Factors to consider when pricing a product to attract and retain customers

§  4.2 Types of pricing strategies and the appropriateness of each

§  4.3 Types of advertising methods used to attract and retain customers and the appropriateness of each

§  4.4 Sales promotion techniques used to attract and retain customers and the appropriateness of each

§  4.5 How customer service is used to attract and retain customers

Unit R065:

§  Learning Outcome 4: Be able to review whether a business proposal is viable

§  4.1 Calculate the costs involved in a business challenge

§  4.2 Apply an appropriate pricing strategy

§  4.3 Review the likely success of a business challenge

§  4.4 Identify the challenges when launching a new product

Unit R066:

§  Learning Outcome 1: Be able to develop a brand identity and promotional plan to target a customer profile

§  1.1 Build a brand identity

§  1.2 Plan brand ideas for a business challenge

§  1.3 Promote a product  

Unit R064:

§  Cumulative exam for topics 1.1 - 1.7 and 3.1 - 3.4, 2.1 - 2.4

§  End of year exam for topics .1 - 1.7 and 3.1 - 3.4, 2.1 - 2.4, 4.1 - 4.4

Unit R065:

§  Task 5: Be able to review whether a business proposal is viable

Unit R066:

§  Task 1: Develop a brand identity and promotional plan to target your customer profile

Extra-Curricular Activities/How you can help at home:

§  Watch business programmes/documentaries that provide insight into the world of businesses, e.g. The Apprentice, Dragon’s Den, The Business Inspector, and Undercover Boss, video clips available on YouTube

§  Read business in newspapers or online, e.g. BBC, Sky, Guardian

§  Visit local businesses which deliver some interesting ‘behind the scenes’ tours and talks, e.g. Alton Towers, John Lewis and Beckett’s Farm

§  Interview a family member who’s a successful entrepreneur

§  Take part in different business related competitions, e.g. BBC Young Apprentice, Young Enterprise and Mosaic Enterprise Challenge

§  Set up your own business in school, whether it’s for profit or a non-profit social enterprise

§  Over the holidays, arrange to do some paid or voluntary work experience in a local business specialising in your area of interest.

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Year 11


Topic/Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment


Unit R064:

§  Learning Outcome 5: Understand factors for consideration when starting up a business:

§  5.1 Appropriate forms of ownership for business start-ups

§  5.2 Source(s) of capital for business start-ups

§  5.3 The importance of a business plan

§  Learning Outcome 6: Understand different functional activities needed to support a business start-up:

§  6.1 The purpose of each of the main functional activities that may be needed in a new business

§  6.2 The main activities of each functional area

 Unit R066:

§  Learning Outcome 2: Be able to plan a pitch for a proposal:

§  2.1 Plan a pitch

§  Learning Outcome 3: Be able to pitch a proposal to an audience:

§  3.1 Use and develop personal and presentation skills to deliver a professional pitch

§  3.2 Support peers

Unit R064:

§  Mock exam for all units

Unit R066:

§  Task 2 Part 1: Develop a pitch for your proposal – an explanation of the factors you must consider when planning a pitch


Unit R066:

§  Learning Outcome 3: Be able to pitch a proposal to an audience:

§  3.3 Review a practice pitch in order to plan for a professional pitch to an external audience

§  3.4 Deliver a professional pitch to an external audience

§  Learning Outcome 4: Be able to review the strengths and weaknesses of a proposal and pitch:

§  4.1 Review a professional pitch to an external audience

§  4.2 Review a business proposal

Unit R064:

§  External exam

 Unit R066:

§  Task 2 Part 2: Develop a pitch for your proposal - carry out a practice pitch

§  Task 3: Pitch your business proposal to an audience

§  Task 4 Part 1: Develop a proposal for a business challenge – carry out a review of your pitching skills

§  Task 4 Part 2: Develop a proposal for a business challenge – carry out a review of your business proposal


Unit R064:

§  External exam (for those who did not sit the exam in the spring term)

Extra-Curricular Activities/How you can help at home:

§  Watch business programmes/documentaries that provide insight into the world of businesses, e.g. The Apprentice, Dragon’s Den, The Business Inspector, and Undercover Boss, video clips available on YouTube

§  Read business in newspapers or online, e.g. BBC, Sky, Guardian

§  Visit local businesses which deliver some interesting ‘behind the scenes’ tours and talks, e.g. Alton Towers, John Lewis and Beckett’s Farm

§  Interview a family member who’s a successful entrepreneur

§  Take part in different business related competitions, e.g. BBC Young Apprentice, Young Enterprise and Mosaic Enterprise Challenge

§  Set up your own business in school, whether it’s for profit or a non-profit social enterprise

§  Over the holidays, arrange to do some paid or voluntary work experience in a local business specialising in your area of interest.

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A Level Business

Year 12


Topic/Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment


1.1  Understanding the nature and purpose of business

1.2  Understanding different business forms

1.3  Understanding that businesses operate within the external environment

2.1 Understanding management, leadership  and decision making

2.2 Understanding management decision making

2.3 Understanding the role and importance of stakeholders

3.1 Setting marketing objectives

5.1 Setting financial objectives

5.2  Analysing financial performance

1.1 Topic quiz

1.1 Exam question

1.2 Topic quiz & in class exam question

2.1 General questions

2.1 Exam questions

2.2 Introductory questions

2.2 Quantitative questions

2.3 Case study questions

2.3 Exam questions


3.1 Exam question

5.2 Exam questions

5.2 Topic quiz & in class exam question


3.2 Understanding markets and customers

3.3 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

3.4 Understanding the Marketing Mix

4.1 Setting Operational Objectives

4.2 Analysing Operational Performance

5.2 Analysing financial performance

5.3 Making financial decisions: sources of finance

5.4 Making financial decisions: improving cash flow and profits

6.1 Setting human resource objectives

6.2 Analysing human resource performance


4.1 Topic quiz & in class exam question

4.2  Exam question


5.2 Topic quiz & in class exam question

5.3 Introductory questions

5.3 Exam questions

6.1 Introductory and exam questions

6.2 Qualitative questions


4.3 Increasing Efficiency and Productivity

4.4 Improving Quality

4.5 Managing Inventory & Supply Chains

6.3 Making human resource decisions: improving organisational design and managing the human resource flow

6.4 Making human resource decisions: improving motivation and engagement

6.5 Making human resource decisions: improving employer-employee relations

4.3 Exam question

4.4 Exam question

4.5 Topic quiz and exam question

6.3 Exam questions

6.4 Topic quiz & in class exam question

6.5 Case study questions and exam questions



Extra-Curricular/How you can help at home:

§  Watch business programmes/documentaries that provide insight into the world of businesses, e.g. The Apprentice, Dragon's Den, The Business Inspector, and Undercover Boss, video clips available on YouTube

§  Read business in newspapers or online, e.g. BBC, Sky, Guardian

§  Visit local businesses which deliver some interesting 'behind the scenes' tours and talks, e.g. Alton Towers, John Lewis and Beckett's Farm

§  Interview a family member who's a successful entrepreneur

§  Take part in different business-related competitions, e.g. BBC Young Apprentice, Young Enterprise and Mosaic Enterprise Challenge

§  Set up your own business in school, whether it's for profit or a non-profit social enterprise

§  Over the holidays, arrange to do some paid or voluntary work experience in a local business specialising in your area of interest.

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Year 13


Topic/Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment


7.2 Analysing the existing internal position of a business to assess strengths and weaknesses: financial ratio analysis

7.4 Analysing the external environment to assess opportunities and threats: political and legal change

7.6 Analysing the external environment to assess opportunities and threats: social and technological

7.8 Analysing strategic options: investment appraisal

9.1 Assessing a change in scale

9.2 Assessing innovation

7.2 Practice exercises

7.2 Research task

7.2 Exam questions

7.4 Short questions

7.4 Case study questions

7.4 Exam questions

7.6 Short questions

7.6 Case study questions

7.6 Exam questions

7.8 Quantitative questions

7.8 Exam questions


9.1 Research task

9.1 Exam question

9.2 Short questions

9.2 Case study questions

9.2 Exam questions 


9.3 Assessing internationalisation

9.4 Assessing greater use of digital technology

10.3 Managing strategic implementation

10.4 Problems with strategy and why strategies fail


9.3 Short questions

9.3 Case study questions

9.3 Exam questions

9.4 Short questions

9.4 Case study questions

9.4 Exam questions


10.3 Questions to reinforce content

10.4 Questions to reinforce content



Extra-Curricular/How you can help at home:

§  Watch business programmes/documentaries that provide insight into the world of businesses, e.g. The Apprentice, Dragon's Den, The Business Inspector, and Undercover Boss, video clips available on YouTube

§  Read business in newspapers or online, e.g. BBC, Sky, Guardian

§  Visit local businesses which deliver some interesting 'behind the scenes' tours and talks, e.g. Alton Towers, John Lewis and Beckett's Farm

§  Interview a family member who's a successful entrepreneur

§  Take part in different business-related competitions, e.g. BBC Young Apprentice, Young Enterprise and Mosaic Enterprise Challenge

§  Set up your own business in school, whether it's for profit or a non-profit social enterprise

§  Over the holidays, arrange to do some paid or voluntary work experience in a local business specialising in your area of interest.

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How we assess the impact of what your child is taught:


How will classwork be marked/ monitored/ graded/ self-assessed? 


Once over the two-week timetable cycle (controlled assessment work being the exception). 


Once every three weeks. 

What classwork will be marked? 


Work will be tick-marked once over the two-week timetable cycle (controlled assessment work being the exception). 

How will students ‘reflect’ on marking/ feedback? 


Students will respond to feedback using green pen. 


Students’ note-taking and marking in class will be checked to see the work is being kept in students’ folders. 

How will Homework be marked/ monitored/ graded? 


Controlled assessment work will be graded with no feedback (as stipulated by the exam board). Other homework will not be graded but there will be comments about how to make improvements. 


Questions completed by students will be graded with comments about how to make improvements. 

What are the formal Assessments? When are they marked? 

KS4 – will complete controlled assessment tasks which, in total, contribute to 50% of the overall grade. 

KS5 – will complete past exam questions or questions from the textbook once a month 

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