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H.R.B (Hearing Resource Base)

Those pupils who are part of the school’s hearing resource base receive particularly effective support so that they can access the full curriculum (Ofsted Report April 2022)

Bordesley Green Girls' School and Sixth Form, (B.G.G.S), has a fantastic provision for deaf students. We have an intake of 2-3 students per academic year; each case is looked at individually and a decision is made based on a number of different factors. An application should be put forward with the assistance of the primary school, teacher of the deaf and S.E.N.A.R (Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review).

HRB Life - School & Beyond! HRB Staff Support from the HRB
Different coloured hands around a globe
 HRB Video Deaf Provisions in Birmingham International Deaf Project, "Let's Talk!"

Information about the Hearing Resource Base can be accessed as a printable leaflet by click on the HRB Leaflet link.

Testimonials from some of our HRB students.

 I like the HRB, it helps me with checking my hearing.  They support me in different ways. For example if there was a problem you can go to the HRB and they will sort it out. They help with checking my equipment in the mornings.  I love my experience so far and enjoy all the lessons.   Basmala

 They are so supportive, no matter what. They are always there for you. The HRB help us improve our English, Maths Science etc. They understand us and whatever we are struggling with, they always help us. We love the trips, because the different activities help us build our skills.   Simra

 I like when the teacher checks on me and supports me. I love the trips!  Ishah

 I like one thing about the HRB that they always help me in lessons. They make the work simple, so we can understand it better. I also enjoy going out on trips. Recently, I went to see Macbeth at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.  Amanah

My favourite thing about the HRB is that I get to socialise and build my confidence. I always have a good take on trips as I learn new things and have fun at the same time.  Umamah

 I get support in lessons a lot, as it helps me to understand. I like it when the teachers use the radio aid because it picks up the sound properly and clearly. The HRB trips are my favourite as its more fun than lessons!  Rayanna

HRB teachers help me when I don’t understand something in class. I like being in this school as I have made a lot of friends, including deaf friends.  The games club is fun, especially when Mr Bryan brings in the hamster.  Faria

The HRB teachers help me in my lessons, I like it when they help me, I understand the work.  It’s really fun to be in the HRB, especially on Tuesdays when it's games club.  Hafsa

Integration into mainstream lessons

Audiological Equipment


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Audiological Equipment 

Our students are issued with audiological equipment such as radio aids. Radio aids are used at B.G.G.S to help students with a hearing loss in order to improve their   communication and ability to hear teachers and their peers.

Hearing aids and cochlear implants/speech processors allow most wearers to hear quiet speech in ideal listening situations. However, most speech is heard in less than ideal listening situations and there are times when a H.R.B student may find it difficult to listen due to unwanted background noise; sounds echoing around the room (reverberation) or there may be distance between the person who is speaking and the deaf student.

The radio aid can help overcome these problems. It consists of a transmitter worn by a teacher and a receiver worn by the student . The radio aid operates by allowing the sound the student needs to hear (such as the teacher’s voice) to be enhanced and in turn this minimises background noise. 

Every morning we check each student’s equipment to ensure that it is working efficiently and any highlighted issues are resolved.

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Integration within the mainstream part of the school is of paramount importance. However, recognising their deaf identity and realising that it is part of them is of equal importance and we work with staff and students to ensure this is implemented. We carry out deaf awareness workshops with internal staff and external organisations such as the N.D.C.S (National Deaf Children’s Society). We aim to integrate practical activities into the curriculum as much as possible, for example we did an art therapy workshop. This involved making hand casts of different signs and discussing personal experiences surrounding deaf identity. It was a positive experience and worked well.

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We carry out a range of language assessments which are used to understand student needs and to set interventions. For example, we may identify that a student is struggling with vocabulary; therefore we would devise an intervention to try and improve this. In addition, we also have visiting speech and language therapists, who support our students with difficulties surrounding communication. They aim to develop speech and language and visit students intermittently throughout the academic year.

 Access Arrangements

Access arrangements for examinations are implemented from year 7, so that students are given the opportunity to practice in preparation for their G.C.S.E exams. H.R.B students can potentially receive the following provisions:

  • Exams in an acoustically set up room (H.R.B) instead of the hall.
  • A reader to read material in their examination (except for English).
  • A B.S.L signer if required.
  • An Oral Language Modifier, who will provide reasonable adjustments in examinations to make the language accessible to the student.

Each student will be required to undertake a formal assessment to determine whether they are eligible for the provisions above. 

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