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“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.”

Oscar Wilde 

In Drama we are committed to promoting the development of strong character, individual responsibility and innovative and courageous artists. We want an active learning environment which fosters rich meaningful work, and contributes to a lasting depth of knowledge that is relevant to everyday life.

 In Drama, we use our minds, bodies and voices to express our understanding of the social, historical and political context that we live in. Drama students at B.G.G.S are resilient innovators, creators and communicators; leaders of critical thinking, artistic expression and analytical reasoning.

At Bordesley Green Girls' School and Sixth Form, we appreciate and contribute to the arts through scripted work, devised performances, exploring themes through a number of different performance styles and experiencing live theatre.


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

KS3 Drama (Year 7)


Topic/ Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment


Stage Craft- Introduction to Drama

The objective of this unit is to develop the pupil’s basic drama knowledge of techniques and elements. Using the theme of Bullying to shape the structure of the unit and address a PSHE issue. Pupils will look at the basic elements in depth and apply them to the technique of storytelling moving into Autumn 2

Techniques/ Keywords

Freeze-frame/Tableaux/ Montage/ Thought-track/ Addressing the audience/ Duologue/Improvisation/ Mime/ Proxemics/ Narration/ Sound Collage/ Movement

§  Using a tableaux/ Montage pupils are to create a short performance depicting a story of bullying. These will be performed in an assembly for Anti Bullying Week


Mime and Movement

In this unit pupils will be using extracts from Missing Dan Nolan to explore physicality and stylised theatre. They will adapt and develop specific scenes from the play into performances that develop their own ideas of what theatre is. Using music and props will help foster a habit of utilising these techniques effectively and ensuring they have a full purpose. Pupils will also explore the theme of missing persons in the UK.

Techniques/ Keywords

Facial Expression/ Body Language/ Proxemics/ Gesture/ Characterisation/ Improvisation/ Physicality/ Music/ Stylised/ Physical Theatre

In a group perform one/two scene from MDN in a stylised way.





Pupils will begin to look at identity and how they can explore their own identity through theatre. They will use extracts from the book ‘I will not be erased’ to analyse human characteristics and traits. Using the techniques developed throughout the year pupils will need to independently put these skills into practice. Pupils will look at how poetry and choral speaking can be performed to create meaning.

Techniques/ Keywords

(same as autumn and spring)

§  Devise and perform a short monologue about themselves and their identity.

Extra-Curricular Activities/ How you can help at home:

-          Watch live theatre where possible. There are plenty of recordings of live theatre on YouTube, theatre on demand and the RSC website. These can all be found on the school drama firefly page.

-          Join a theatre club whether that is at school or outside of school. These will give you more opportunity to practice your skills.

-          Read plays!

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KS3 Drama (Year 8)


Topic/ Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment



The objective of this unit is to analyse and evaluate human characteristics and how we can portray these as an actor. Using the opening scene of the play DNA pupils will be asked to explore the physical and vocal traits of a number of stock characters. They will need to explore their own physical and vocal traits alongside those of others in order to perform as successfully as possible.

Techniques/ Keywords

Facial Expression/Gait/Body Language/ Proxemics/ Gesture/ Characterisation/ Improvisation/ Tone/ Volume/ Clarity/ Pace/ Pitch/ Given Circumstances/ Magic If

§  Assessment: In a design team, devise a new pantomime, including set, costume, characters.


Exaggerated Theatre

In this unit pupils will look at Pantomime as a style and compare the non-naturalistic style of Panto to the style they have previously worked on in Autumn 1. Pupils will look at the development of the commedia dell’arte genre into Pantomime. Pupils will look at the history of comedy theatre and how even theatre that is comical has a message to be communicated.

Techniques/ Keywords

Pantomime/ Commedia dell’arte/ Comedy/ Stock/ Characters/ Slapstick/ Mime/ Masks/ Improvisation/ Costume/ Black Box

In a design team, devise a new pantomime, including set, costume, characters.


Stylised Theatre

Pupils will explore the theme of mental health in young people. Pupils will begin to explore the stylised genre and how to use this genre to discover techniques that can be used to depict difficult topics. Pupils will explore a range of practical exercises in order to start developing ideas and approaches to short devised work from a script.

Techniques/ Keywords

Facial Expression/ Body Language/ Proxemics/Gesture/ Characterisation/ Improvisation/ Physicality/ Music/ Stylised/ Physical Theatre

Perform one scene from the play using stylised techniques.

Extra-Curricular Activities/ How you can help at home:

-          Watch live theatre where possible. There are plenty of recordings of live theatre on YouTube, theatre on demand and the RSC website. These can all be found on the school drama firefly page.

-          Join a theatre club whether that is at school or outside of school. These will give you more opportunity to practice your skills.

-          Read plays!

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KS3 Drama (Year 9)


Topic/ Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment



This unit explores the themes in the play Blood Brothers whilst also looking at characterisation, relationships and dialogue. Pupils will be expected to have a simple understanding of the musical and the storyline. They will work through a series of lessons that explore the plot and the decisions characters make.

Techniques/ Keywords

Artistic Intention/ Analysis of text/ Monologue/ Plot/ Characters/ Themes/Pace/ Pause / Tension/ Proxemics/ Gesture

Perform a monologue as their chosen character.

Frantic Assembly

Theme/Play/Style: Physical Theatre

 The overall aim of this unit is to explore a physical theatre style by introducing students to the work of Frantic Assembly, and to encourage learners to try out techniques and practical starting points to help them create short devised pieces.

By the end of this scheme of work, students will have a deeper understanding of modern physical theatre within the context of a contemporary company, focusing on the style of Frantic Assembly. They will be familiar with some of their work and have tried out techniques for themselves. Pupils will explore a range of practical exercises in order to start developing ideas and approaches to short devised work.

Techniques/ Keywords

Hymns Hands/ Physical Theatre/ Frantic Assembly/ Music/ Chair Duets/ Sequencing/ Round-By-Through

Create a choreographed fight sequence in the style of Frantic Assembly.



Theme/Play/Style: Brechtian Theatre

Throughout this unit pupils will go through a series of Brechtian techniques and explore how and Brecht created theatre the way he did. Pupils will be challenged to ‘step out of the box’ and thrust themselves into this non- natutralistic sstyleof devising. By the end of this scheme of work, students will have a deeper understanding of Brechtian theatre theatre They will be familiar with some of his work and have tried out techniques for themselves. Pupils will explore a range of practical exercises in order to start developing ideas and approaches to short devised work.

Techniques/ Keywords

Non Naturalistic/ Brecht/ Epic theatre/ Socio- Political/ Didactic/ 4 WALL/ Verfremdungseffekt- distancing effect/ Narrator/ Gestus/ Freeze frames/ Tableaux/ Placards/signs

Devise a Brechtian style performance.


Verbatim Theatre

Theme/Play/Style: Hard to Swallow by Mark Wheeller

Using the play ‘Hard to Swallow’ pupils will explore the theme of anorexia in young people. Pupils will begin to explore the verbatim genre and how to use this genre to tell a factual story. By the end of this scheme of work, students will have a deeper understanding of verbatim theatre. They will be familiar with some techniques and have tried out techniques for themselves. Pupils will explore a range of practical exercises in order to start developing ideas and approaches to short devised work.

In the second half of the term pupils will be expected to conduct their own interviews to devise a play in the verbatim style.

Techniques/ Keywords

Verbatim/ Interview/ Improvisation/ Characterisation

Research, Devise and perform a verbatim style performance.

Extra-Curricular Activities/ How you can help at home:

-          Watch live theatre where possible. There are plenty of recordings of live theatre on YouTube, theatre on demand and the RSC website. These can all be found on the school drama firefly page.

-          Join a theatre club whether that is at school or outside of school. These will give you more opportunity to practice your skills.

-          Read plays!

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KS4 Drama (Year 10)


Topic/ Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment


Component 1 Written Exam

Section A and B

Section A

Students must develop knowledge and understanding of the following:

-Characteristics of performance text(s) and dramatic work(s)

-Social, cultural and historical contexts

-How meaning is interpreted and communicated

-Drama and theatre terminology and how to use it appropriately

-The roles and responsibilities of theatre makers in contemporary professional practice

Section B- Blood Brothers by Willy Russell

Study will be targeted at:

• developing knowledge and understanding of the characteristics and context of the whole play

• exploring ideas for how the play may be interpreted practically.

This component content is assessed in a written exam.


Component 2- Devising Drama

Portfolio Work

Students will learn how to create and develop ideas to communicate meaning in a devised theatrical performance.

Students must develop their ability to:

• carry out research

• develop their own ideas

• collaborate with others

• rehearse, refine and amend their work in progress

• analyse and evaluate their own process of creating devised drama.

Performance Work

Students will learn how to contribute to devised drama in a live theatre context for an audience. They will develop their ability to:

• create and communicate meaning

• realise artistic intention in devised drama.

This component content is assessed practically.

For assessment, students must produce an individual Devising log documenting their devising process and an analysis and evaluation of their contribution.

Students must perform or create realised designs for a devised duologue or group piece.


Component 1- Section C

Section A and B Recap

 Section C

Students will learn how to analyse and evaluate the work of live theatre makers

 Students should aim to understand productions in terms of the relevant content and in addition consider:

• how the play has been interpreted in the production seen and what messages the company might be trying to communicate

• the skills demonstrated by the performers and how successfully meaning was communicated to the audience by the performers

• The design skills demonstrated in the production and how successfully meaning was communicated to the audience through design. To aid their analysis students should carry out background research into the production.

They may read the play and reviews of the production and should develop an understanding of:

• the plot and characters

• specific features or hallmarks of the style/genre of the production

• The context of the play/production.

This component content is assessed in a written exam.

Extra-Curricular Activities/ How you can help at home:

-          Watch live theatre where possible. There are plenty of recordings of live theatre on YouTube, theatre on demand and the RSC website. These can all be found on the school drama firefly page.

-          Join a theatre club whether that is at school or outside of school. These will give you more opportunity to practice your skills.

-          Read plays!

-          Revise written exam structure.

-          Go through Blood Brothers plot regularly alongside creating character profiles.

-          Buy and read both DNA by Dennis Kelly and Blood Brothers by Willy Russell.

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KS4 Drama (Year 11)


Topic/ Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment


Component 2- Devising Drama

Portfolio Work

Students will learn how to create and develop ideas to communicate meaning in a devised theatrical performance.

Students must develop their ability to:

• carry out research

• develop their own ideas

• collaborate with others

• rehearse, refine and amend their work in progress

• analyse and evaluate their own process of creating devised drama.

Performance Work

Students will learn how to contribute to devised drama in a live theatre context for an audience. They will develop their ability to:

• create and communicate meaning

• realise artistic intention in devised drama.

This component content is assessed practically.

For assessment, students must produce an individual Devising log documenting their devising process and an analysis and evaluation of their contribution.

Students must perform or create realised designs for a devised duologue or group piece.


Component 3- Texts in Practice: DNA by Dennis Kelly

Students will develop their ability to:

• interpret texts

• create and communicate meaning

• realise artistic intention in text-based drama.

This subject content is assessed practically.

For assessment, students must perform or create realised designs for two extracts from the play DNA by Dennis Kelly

It is marked by AQA.


Component 1 Written Exam

Recap of all sections.

Please see Section A,B, and C throughout year 10 and 11.

This component content is assessed in a written exam.

Extra-Curricular Activities/ How you can help at home:

-          Watch live theatre where possible. There are plenty of recordings of live theatre on YouTube, theatre on demand and the RSC website. These can all be found on the school drama firefly page.

-          Join a theatre club whether that is at school or outside of school. These will give you more opportunity to practice your skills.

-          Read plays!

-          Revise written exam structure.

-          Go through Blood Brothers plot regularly alongside creating character profiles.

-          Buy and read both DNA by Dennis Kelly and Blood Brothers by Willy Russell.

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