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 “History is dependent on the new generation to write a new chapter.”

 LaMelo Ball

When studying History at B.G.G.S, students learn about their place in the world, starting from the big chronological picture and then focusing on the key themes of conflict, religion, ideas, science and technology, governments and persecution.  Students learn to understand what motivates people to undertake the actions that they take and the consequences that follow. 

Bordesley Green Girls' School and Sixth Form offers a skills based approach to the study of history, from KS3 to A Level, helping students to develop coherent, logical arguments based on the principles of enquiry.  Students learn to use sources effectively and learn how to interpret what has been said, written and shown in the past and the effects that this has on our understanding of the past.

We equip students with the skills to understand that historical interpretations are constructs of the past and there is no one way of explaining what has happened.  We develop empathy towards others and help students to be better citizens.  We foster in our students a lifelong love of learning and interest in the wider world. 


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

Year 7 History


Topic  Enquiry questions/ Key skills

Type of Assessment


§  Ancient Medicine

Overview lesson- What were prehistoric and ancient time periods? and how and why did medicine change during this time?

What kinds of medicine were prehistoric people good at and not good at?

Did the Egyptians develop any important new medical ideas?

Did the Ancient Greeks still believe in supernatural causes for illness?

How did Hippocrates big ideas change medicine?

What were the big ideas of the Romans?

Why was Galen more important than Hippocrates?

GCSE-style examination questions

§  Was the Norman Conquest a turning point in History?

Overview: What was life like in England before 1060?

What happened in the Battle of Hastings?

Why did William win?

How did William gain control over England?

Was the Norman Conquest significant?

GCSE-style examination questions


§  How did Medieval kings keep control?

Why do people risk their lives for war?

How did Kings keep control?

What was the importance and role of the knight in Medieval society?

What were the Crusades?

How successful was King John?

How successful was King Henry?

Why was there no point to fighting the Hundred Years’ War?

What happened during the War of the Roses?

Who killed the princes in the tower?

GCSE-style examination questions

§  Kenilworth Castle

What were Motte and Bailey Castles?

Were Stone Castles any better?

How Important was site when considering where to build a castle?

How did the enemy get into Stone Castles?

How did castles change over time?

What has been the history of Kenilworth castle?

GCSE-style examination questions


§  How did people’s ideas and beliefs change during the Middle Ages?

How did ideas and beliefs change during the Middle Ages?

Who made the changes in the Renaissance?

Henry VIII: medieval or modern?

Who was the most important person in the Renaissance?

What was the significance of the enlightenment for the growth of new ideas?

GCSE-style examination questions

Extra-Curricular Activities

Castle trip to Kenilworth Castle

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Year 8 History


Topic  Enquiry questions/ Key skills

Type of Assessment


§  The Reformation was a turning point in the History of England. How far do you agree?

Overview: How did the Church of England reform (change) over time?

What was the Catholic Church like in the Medieval Period and how important was it to people?

Why did Martin Luther want to reform the Catholic Church and how successful was he?

Why did Henry VIII close the monasteries and what impact did this have on England?

Was Queen Mary successful in making England Catholic again?

Did Elizabeth’s religious settlement bring peace to England?

Why did the Puritans set up a colony during Elizabeth I and James I’s reigns?

The Gunpowder Plot: were the Catholics framed?

GCSE-style examination questions

§  Why were the English Civil Wars so Significant?

Overview lesson

What is parliament and how does it differ from the 17 Century?

Was Charles I a successful ruler?

Why were the MPs angry with the king?

What were the short term causes of the Civil War?

Who fought whom in the English Civil War?

What happened in Birmingham during the English Civil War?

The Trial and execution of the king

What happened during the trial of king Charles the I?

Why did the English bring back the Monarchy?

GCSE-style examination questions


§  Dying for the Vote


What were elections like in the 19 century before Parliamentary Change?

How much impact did the Radical Reformers have on changing the vote?

Why was the 1832 Reform Act passed?

How was the 1867 Reform Act passed and did it bring democracy to the working classes?

Why did women in Britain campaign for the right to vote?

What was the best way to campaign for votes for women?

Did the militant tactics of the Suffragettes advance or hold back the struggle to gain votes for women?

How did women finally gain the vote?

GCSE-style examination questions

§  The good, the bad and the ugly-What will you make of the British Empire? 

How did the British extend and control their Empire?

Accidental Rulers?  How important was trade in the establishment of the Empire?

Empire Builders

What was the impact of British Rule in India?

Was there any resistance to the British and how did the British deal with this?

What happened to countries which resisted British rule?


GCSE-style examination questions


§  Was the First World War really Hell on earth?

What was the First World War?

What were the long term causes of World War?

What was the trigger event of the first world war?

Why did men want to join the army in 1914?

What was the reality of the First World War?

What was the sensory experience of life on the Western Front?

Does Field Marshal Haig deserve his reputation as the Butcher of the Somme?

Was the Treaty of Versailles a mistake?

GCSE style examination questions

Extra-Curricular Activities

Trip to Blists Hill Victorian Town

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Year 9 History


Topic  Enquiry questions/ Key skills

Type of Assessment


§  What is the holocaust and why did it happen?

Authentic Encounters: How can we use personal objects to reveal more about the past?

What was the holocaust? A chronological understanding

What was it like to be Jewish living in Europe in the 1930s?

What is antisemitism and how has it evolved over time?

Being Human: Who was involved in the holocaust? What was it like for liberated Jews to go ‘home’?

GCSE-style examination questions

§  How significant was the campaign for human rights?-

Overview: how have people campaigned for equal rights?

What was Africa like before slavery?

What is the impact of the transatlantic slave trade?

What were conditions like on the slave plantations?

How was slavery abolished in the British Empire and who were the abolitionists?

What can Jesse Owens’ story tell us about how black Americans were treated in the 1930s?

How important was the role played by Martin Luther King in the Civil Rights Movement?

 GCSE-style examination questions


§  GCSE Elizabethan England: Unit 1- Queen, Government and Religion

Overview: Was Queen Elizabeth a successful queen?

What were society and government like in 1558 when Elizabeth became queen?

What challenges did The Virgin Queen face when she came to the throne?

What was the ‘settlement’ of religion and how was it enforced?

What were the challenges to the religious settlement and were they effective?

How did Elizabeth deal with the problem of Mary, Queen of Scots?

GCSE past-paper questions

§  GCSE Elizabethan England: Unit 2-Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad

Plots and revolts at home How significant was the Revolt of the Northern Earls in 1569?

Plots and revolts at home Which posed the greater threat: the Ridolfi or the Throckmorton Plot?

Plots and revolts at home What was the significance of the Babington plot and the subsequent execution of Mary, Queen of Scots?

Relations with Spain Was Sir Francis Drake an English hero?

Relations with Spain: Why was Elizabeth I reluctant to help Dutch Protestant rebels?

Why did Philip II launch the Spanish Armada?

How did England defeat the Spanish Armada?

GCSE past-paper questions


§  GCSE Elizabethan England: Unit 3- Elizabethan society in the age of exploration

How effective was education in Elizabethan England?

Were leisure activities in Elizabethan England exciting and positive?

How and why did attitudes towards the poor change during the Elizabethan era?

What were the changing attitudes towards the poor in the Elizabethan era?

What led Elizabethans to explore?

How important was Drake’s circumnavigation of the globe?

What was the Virginia Project?

Why was the colonisation of Virginia so significant?

GCSE past-paper questions

Extra-Curricular Activities

·       A visitor re-enacting the First World War and a range of artefacts

·       Firefly

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Year 10 History


Topic  Enquiry questions/ Key skills

Type of Assessment


§  GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 1- Medicine in Medieval England

Were the Middle Ages a time of progress or regress in medicine? 

What did people in Medieval England think caused disease?

How did people treat the sick and prevent disease in the Middle Ages?

Who would treat you in the Middle Ages?

How were the sick cared for in the Middle Ages?

How did medieval people deal with the Black Death?

GCSE past paper questions

§  GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 2- The Medical Renaissance

What were the Renaissance ideas about disease and illness?

What influenced the growth in new medical ideas about the Renaissance?

How far did approaches to prevention and treatment change throughout the Renaissance?

What was the impact of Andreas Vesalius on medical care during the Renaissance period?

How important was the research of William Harvey?

What impact did the Great Plague have in London in 1665

GCSE past paper questions


§  GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 3- Medicine in the 18 and 19 century

What was medicine like between the 1700’s and 1900’s?

How far did the work of Louis Pasteur impact upon the treatment and prevention of diseases?

How far did the work of Robert Koch impact upon the treatment and prevention of diseases?

What were the factors affecting the development of ideas about the causes of illness and disease?

What were the changes to hospitals in the 18 and 19 centuries?

What were the improvements in surgical treatment in the 18 and 19 century?

How important was Jenner’s work on vaccination?

What was the significance of John Snow in the fight against cholera in London?

GCSE past-paper questions

§  GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 4- Modern Medicine

Was the twentieth Century the most important period in medical History?

How has our advanced understanding of genetics affected our health?

How have Improvements in diagnosis been made possible?

What has been  the impact of the availability of blood tests, scans and monitors?

How important has the development of magic bullets and antibiotics been in treating patients?

What impact did the NHS have on caring for patients?

How much progress has there been in preventing disease in the 20 C?

How did penicillin develop and why was it important?

What does the fight against lung cancer in the 21 century tell us about how medicine has improved?

GCSE past paper questions


§  GCSE Medicine Through Time: Unit 5- The British Sector of the Western Front, 1914-18

What medical knowledge developed in the early 20 C?

What were the key battles on the Western Front and how did they affect the development of medical treatment?

What were the main medical problems that were faced on the Western Front and how were they dealt with?

How important was the work of RAMC and FANY in dealing with wounded soldiers?

How significant were experiments in surgery and medicine on the Western Front?

GCSE past-paper questions

Extra-Curricular Activities

Firefly and PiXL

After school and lunchtime revision sessions

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Year 11 History


Topic  Enquiry questions/ Key skills

Type of Assessment


§  GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany Nazi Germany: Unit 1- The Weimar Republic 1918-1933

What were the origins of the Republic 1918 – 1919?

What challenges did the Weimar Republic face as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?

What challenges did the Weimar Republic face from political opposition?

Why was the Republic so unpopular with so many Germans?

How successful was the Weimar Republic’s political and economic recovery 1924-9?

How far did life improve for the German people between 1924 and 1929?

What can we learn from culture about life in Weimar Germany?

GCSE Past- Paper Questions

§  GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany: Unit 2- Hitler’s rise to power, 1919-1933

What did the Nazi party stand for in 1920’s?

Why were the Nazis unsuccessful before 1929?

Why were the years 1924-28 known as the lean years of the Nazi Party?

Why was there growth in support for the Nazi Party?

How did Hitler become Chancellor?


GCSE Past- Paper Questions

§  GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany: Unit 3- Nazi Control and dictatorship 1933 – 39

How did Hitler and the Nazi Party create a dictatorship in 1933 and 1934?

How effective was the police state in Nazi Germany?

How effective were the Nazis in controlling religious views?

How did the Nazi party control and influence ideas?

How much opposition and resistance was there and how effectively did the Nazis deal with it?


GCSE Past- Paper Questions


§  GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany: Unit 4 Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39

What were the Nazis policies towards women and how effective were they?

What were the Nazis policies towards the young and how effective were they?

How effective were the Nazi policies towards education?

How effective were the Nazis in providing employment and improving living standards?

How did the Nazi deal with minorities?

GCSE past-paper questions

§  GCSE American West:  Migration and Settlement in the West c. 1835-1895

Who were the Plain Indians: What were their beliefs and ideas?

What was the US government policy towards the Plain Indians?

What factors encouraged migration West?

What was the process and problems of migration?

What were the reforms of 1862 and how did they encourage settlement of the West?

What was the impact of the continued growth of settlement in America?


GCSE past-paper questions


§  GCSE American West:  Plains Indians and their way of life in conflict, c. 1835-1895

Why did tensions grow between settlers and Plain Indians?

How far did life change for the Plains Indians as the West was settled?

Were the Indian wars a success for the Native Americans?

What led to the American failure at the Battle of the Little Big Horn?

What is the significance of the Wounded Knee Massacre, 1890?

What led to the destruction of the Plains Indian way of life c. 1834-1890?

GCSE past-paper questions

§  GCSE American West: Farming in the West, c. 1835- c.1895

How did the White Settlers tackle problems of farming and homesteaders?

What were the changes in farming and  the cattle industry  1876-1895?

GCSE past-paper questions

§  GCSE American West:  Cattle Ranching in the West c. 1835-c. 1895

How did the Cattle Industry grow in the West during the late 19th century?

How did the role of Cowboys develop in the West?

GCSE past-paper questions

§  GCSE American West: Unit 5: Law and order in the West, c. 1835-c. 1895

What were the problems with early towns and settlements?

What were the continued problems with law and order in the West after the American Civil War?

Conflict and tension: how did crime, conflict and lawlessness grow in the West and how did the government respond to this?

Conflict and tension: What was the significance of the Johnson County War?

GCSE past-paper questions

Extra-Curricular Activities

Firefly, PiXL

Lunchtime/ After school revision session

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Year 12 History


Topic  Enquiry questions/ Key skills

Type of Assessment


Paper 1: Communist government in the USSR 1917-85

§  Overview lesson:  What happened in Russia between 1917-1991?

§  Who were the Bolsheviks and what did they believe?

§  Why was there a revolution in Russia in 1917?

§  How did Lenin and the Bolsheviks consolidate their power?

§  Why did the Civil War break out and how did it develop? Why did the Bolsheviks (Communists) win the Civil War?

§  What was the Nature of Government under Lenin?

§  Did growing centralisation mean that Russia had become a dictatorship?

§  Why did Lenin’s death result in a power struggle? How did Stalin consolidate his power through shifting alliances?

§  What happened during the Great Terror of 1936-1938?

§  What form did Stalin’s terror take between 1941 and 1953 in his final years?

§  How much power did Stalin have over the party and the state?

§  How successful were Khrushchev’s attempts to reform government and de-Stalinise Russia?

§  How stable was Russia under the rule of Brezhnev?


Paper One: End of Unit tests, knowledge and understanding question, 20 marks


Paper 1: Industrial and agricultural change 1917-85

§  Government control of the economy: What were state capitalism and war communism and why were they abandoned?

§  What was the New Economic Policy and what impact did it have on Russia?

§  How successful was Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan?

§  How far did the Second and Third Five-Year Plans meet Stalin’s aims for Russia?

§  Was Stalin’s collectivism a good way of solving Russia’s economic problems?

§  How successful was the economic recovery of the Soviet Union after the Second World War?

§  How successful were Khrushchev’s economic reforms?

§  Were Brezhnev’s economic reforms any b

Paper One: 20 mark essay question for homework, half way through each unit.


§  Paper 2: Establishing communist rule 1949-1957

§  How did Mao lead the Communists in the early stages of the CCP?

§  What was the impact of the Chinese Civil War, 1946-9?

§  What was the nature of the government established by the CCP in 1949?

§  Mass campaigns and repression:

§  How effectively did the Communist Party deal with opposition?

§  What were Mao’s motives in launching the Hundred Flowers Campaign?

§  What was China’s international position and regional issues in the early stages of the CCP?

Paper Two: End of Unit tests, knowledge and understanding question, 20 marks and Source Question 20 marks


Paper 2: Mao’s China 1949-76

Paper 2: Agriculture and industry 1949-65

·        How successful was the First Five Year Plan 1952-6?

·        How successful was the Great Leap Forward (Second Five Year Plan), 1958-62?

·        How and why did the system of land ownership change? 1949-57

·        What caused the Great Famine 1958-62 and why was it so severe?

Paper Two: 20 mark essay question for homework, half way through each unit



Paper 1: Control of the people 1917-85

§  How effective do you think that the Soviet Government were in controlling mass media and propaganda?

§  How important was it for Soviet leaders to create cults of personality?

§  Why did the Communists attack religious beliefs and practices?

§  How did the use of the secret police change through the period 1917 to 1953?

§  How effective was Andropov’s suppression of dissidents 1967-82?

§  How effective was the soviet governments use of culture and the arts from 1917 to 1953?

§  Does nonconformity in the arts mean that the Soviet government was not in full control of the Soviet people?

Paper One: End of Unit tests, knowledge and understanding question, 20 marks


Paper 1: Social developments 1917-85

§  How successful was the government in providing social security for the Soviet people between 1917 and 1953?

§  How successful was the government in providing social security for the Soviet people between 1953 and 1985?

§  To what extent did the role of women and the family change between 1917 and 1985?

§  How successful was the Soviet Government’s attempts to improve the provision of education?

Paper One: 20 mark essay question for homework, half way through each unit.


Paper 2: The Cultural Revolution and its aftermath- 1966-76

§  What was the nature of the power struggle within China, 1962-6?

§  What were the nature of China’s international relations, 1953-62?

§  What was the Cult of Mao?

§  What was the Cultural Revolution and what was its impact on China?

§  How effective were the Red Guards in carrying out the Cultural Revolution?

§  How did Mao use the Cultural Revolution to attack his political and class enemies?

§  How and why did the Cultural Revolution ‘wind down’ after 1968?


Paper Two: End of Unit tests, knowledge and understanding question, 20 marks and Source Question 20 marks


Paper 2: Social Change, 1949-76

·        To what extent did the status of women in China change between 1949 – 76?

·        How successful were the changes made to education provision in China, 1949-76?

·        How successful were the changes made to health provision within China, 1949-76?

·        Why did the Communists attempt to change Chinese culture?

·        How did the Communists seek to destroy the practice of religion in China?

Paper Two: 20 mark essay question for homework, half way through each unit


Paper 1: What explains the fall of the USSR 1985-91

What explains the fall of the USSR c.1985-91?

·        How important were economic weaknesses in bringing about the fall of the USSR? Gorbachev’s economic reforms

·        How significant were the failures of Gorbachev’s political reforms?

·        What impact did the resurgence of nationalism play in the collapse of the USSR?

·        How far were Gorbachev and Yeltsin responsible for the collapse of the USSR in 1991?

Paper One: 20 Mark source interpretation question

Paper 2: Revision

Paper Two: End of Unit tests, knowledge and understanding question, 20 marks and Source Question 20 marks

Extra-Curricular Activities

Revision sessions room 7 Friday lunchtimes 1.05pm

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Year 13 History



Enquiry questions/ Key skills

Type of Assessment


§  Paper 3: Reform Acts

·       What was voting like in the 1780s?

·       Why was there growing demand and support for Parliamentary Reform?

·       Why was the 1832 Reform Bill passed?

·       What was the significance of the passing of the 1832 Reform Act?

·       Why was the Second Reform Act passed?

·       How radical was the Second Reform Act?

·       Did the Third Reform Act make England a democracy?

·       Why, and to what extent, were the powers of the House of Lords reduced in 1911?

·       Why, and to what extent, were the powers of the House of Lords reduced in 1911?

Paper Three: End of Unit tests, knowledge and understanding question, 20 marks

Paper 3: Radical Reformers

§  How great a threat did radical reformers pose in the 1790s?

§  Why did the end of the Napoleonic Wars with France lead to hardship and discontent?

§  What was the impact of extra-parliamentary protest?

§  How effective was the government’s response to popular, extra-parliamentary protest?


Paper Three: 20 mark essay or source question for homework, half way through each unit.



Mao’s China 1949-76 Coursework Preparation

§  Edexcel History Coursework- How to choose the correct question for you?

§  What are interpretations and how should they be used?

§  How to recognise the arguments and aims within historians’ interpretations

§  How to recognise differences in Main Works and apply own knowledge to interpretations

§  How do you reference effectively and plan for your coursework?

Coursework-4000 word essay based upon students’ independent research of historians.


Paper 3: Chartists

·       Why did Chartism start?

·       What were the aims of the Charter? What was the significance of the National Petition and Convention?

·       Did the new strategies of the Chartists in the 1840s achieve their aims?

·       Why did Chartism fail?

Paper Three: End of Unit tests, knowledge and understanding question, 20 marks

Paper 3: Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts

§  Why did Chartism fail?

§  Why were the Contagious Diseases Acts passed?

§  How did the Acts affect prostitutes and ordinary women?

§  Why were the Contagious Diseases Acts repealed?

Paper Three: 20 mark essay or source question for homework, half way through each unit.


Paper 3: Suffragettes

§  What were the arguments and tactics of the suffragists?

§  Who were the Suffragettes and why did they become more militant?

§  How did the Liberal government respond to the actions of the Suffragettes?

§  Was the militancy of the WSPU the main reason why women were not enfranchised by 1914?


Paper Three: 20 mark essay or source question for homework, half way through each unit.


§  Mao’s China 1949-76 Coursework

Students independently research and write their 4000 word coursework assignment, with some teacher guidance.

Coursework-4000 word essay based upon students’ independent research of historians.


Paper 3:Trade Unionism

·       What form did trade union militancy take during and after the war?

·       How did problems in the coal industry lead to the General Strike?

·       What happened during the General Strike and how effective was the government in dealing with it?

Paper Three: 20 mark essay or source question for homework, half way through each unit.

Revision for papers 1-3

Paper Three: End of Unit tests, knowledge and understanding question, 20 marks


Extra-Curricular Activities              

Revision sessions room 7 Friday lunchtimes 1.05pm

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How we assess the impact of what your child is taught:


How will classwork be marked/ monitored/ graded/ self-assessed?


Lesson notes, questions and assessment style questions will be tick marked once a fortnight


Lesson notes, questions and assessment style questions will be tick marked once a fortnight


Take in booklets once a half term to monitor reading and completion of end of lesson reviews

What classwork will be marked?


Lesson notes, questions and assessment style questions in exercise books will be tick marked with literacy codes

Brief comments on longer pieces of work


Lesson notes, questions and assessment style questions in exercise books will be tick marked with literacy codes

Exam style questions will be commented on


Note booklets checked with a post-it note comment

How will students ‘reflect’ on marking/ feedback?


Complete DIRT sheets in green pen

Correct mistakes in green pen

Peer and self-assess longer pieces in green pen


Complete DIRT sheets in green pen

Correct mistakes in green pen

Peer and self-assess longer pieces in green pen


After essays self-assess

How will Homework be marked/ monitored/ graded?


Once a term extended homework project graded and teacher gives feedback


Exam questions will be commented on and graded


Essays will be graded and commented on

What are the formal Assessments? When are they marked?

All in assessment booklets

KS3: GCSE exam style questions, once a half term, teacher comments and grades peer and self-assessed

KS4: End of Unit tests, once a half term, teacher comments and grades peer and self-assessed

KS5: End of unit tests, graded and teacher comments. Self-assessed.