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"As long as I have any choice, I will stay only in a country where political liberty, toleration, and equality of all citizens before the law are the rule."

Albert Einstein

Law is a social science; it uses rules to govern individuals' personal, social, economic and political relationships. To study law is to study the nature of those relationships. We in the Law department at Bordesley Green Girls' School and Sixth Form endeavour to empower our students with the understanding and knowledge of those rules and facilitate our students with highly valuable skills in critical thinking and problem solving.

BGGS Law students will learn to analyse complex situations and problems. Equally importantly, the knowledge of law will provide students with the awareness of their rights and responsibilities, moulding them to become the best citizens they can be and as such contributing positively to their community and the wider society.


Year 12 Paper 1

Year 12 Paper 2

Year 13 Paper 3

Year 12 A Level Law

Paper 1


Topic/ Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment


Criminal Law: 

  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the basic rules of law
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law regarding strict liability
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law regarding non-fatal offences
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law on fatal offences
  •  To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law on property offences

Exam questions: 10 markers and 30 markers


Criminal Law:

  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law on defences

English Legal System:

  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principles of statutory interpretation
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principles of judicial precedent
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principles of criminal courts and sentencing

Exam questions: 10 markers and 30 markers

Exam questions: multiple choice and 5 markers


 English Legal System:

  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principles of lay people in the justice system
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principles of legal personnel
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principles of
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principles around access to funding

Question 9:

To understand, analyse and evaluate the concept of law and justice

To understand, analyse and evaluate the concept of law and society

Exam questions: multiple choice and 5 markers

Exam questions: 15 markers

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Paper 2



  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the basic elements of tort
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law of tort relating to personal injury and loss of property
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law of tort relating to psychiatric injury
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law of tort relating to economic loss
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law of tort relating to occupiers’ liability

Exam questions: 10 markers and 30 markers



  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law of tort relating to nuisance
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law of tort relating to vicarious liability

English Legal System:

  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principles of parliamentary law
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the methods of law reform

Exam questions: 10 markers and 30 markers

Exam questions: multiple choice and 5 markers


 English Legal System:

  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the composition of the civil courts
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate other forms of dispute resolution
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the make-up of the judiciary and access to funding in civil law

Question 9:

  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the concept of fault and its application in our legal system
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the concept of morality and its relevance to our legal system
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate theory concerning contract law

Exam questions: multiple choice and 5 markers

Exam questions: 15 markers

Subscribe to Hodder Law Review Magazine

Arrange some work experience at a Law Firm

Participate in the Prestigious Bar Mock Trial Competition

Attend Law seminars/ conferences/ workshops/ webinar organised by universities.

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Year 13 A Level Law 

Paper 3


Topic/ Key Enquiry Question

Type of Assessment


 Contract Law:

  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the elements of contract formation
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law regarding contract terms
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law regarding vitiating factors
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law regarding discharge of a contract
  • To be able to understand, analyse and apply the law regarding remedies

English Legal System:

  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principle of the rule of law
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the principle of delegated legislation
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the workings of the EU
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the make-up of the judiciary and access to funding in civil law

Question 9:

  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the concept of balancing competing interests
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate the concepts of justice and morality in the context of the law
  • To understand, analyse and evaluate theory concerning contract law

 Exam questions: 10 markers and 30 markers

Exam questions: multiple choice and 5 markers

Exam questions: 15 markers


 To revise Paper 1 (Criminal + relevant English legal system)

To revise Paper 2 (Tort + relevant English legal system)

To revise Paper 3 (Contract + relevant English legal system)

 Full Exam Papers


 External Examinations

Subscribe to Hodder Law Review Magazine

Arrange some work experience at a Law Firm

Participate in the Prestigious Bar Mock Trial Competition

Attend Law seminars/ conferences/ workshops/ webinar organised by universities.

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How we assess the impact of what your child has been taught:


How will classwork be marked/ monitored/ graded/ self-assessed?

Once every week an exam-based question is given on completed topic. (Occasionally fortnightly, if a more complex topic is being taught.)

Student will receive a feedback sheet which has the grade bands and relevant grade descriptors; these will be highlighted to indicate which mark band has been achieved by student. 

Additionally, teacher feedback is provided with comments on what has been done well and what can be to improve the standard of the answer in line with AQA marking schemes.  A model answer will be attached in guiding the students. 

What classwork will be marked?

Classroom notes and class activities will be reviewed in class and verbal feedback will be given on the standard of work and where improvements can be made. This classwork will usually lead to completing an exam-based question. This will be marked formally and returned with teacher’s feedback marksheet. 

How will students ‘reflect’ on marking/ feedback?

Students will be able to clearly see what level their homework is graded at and what bands and descriptors their homework are meeting.  Students will be able to reflect on teacher’s feedback and will respond using green pen on the Marksheet under student’s feedback section.  Students will comment on how they can improve their answers either in bullet points or by re-writing a small section to show improvement.  On student’s request, homework can be remarked giving the student the opportunity to improve the standard of their homework.

How will Homework be marked/



Either weekly or fortnightly, student will be given exam-based question on the Law topic taught.  This will be marked and graded based on the AQA marking scheme, bands and descriptors (A01, A02 and A03) and returned with a feedback marksheet. Helping students to familiarise with AQA marking criteria.

What are the formal Assessments? When are they marked?

A past exam question paper once every week or fortnight.

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