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Visit the Symphony Hall for free!

This August, The National Youth Orchestra embarks on the final tour of the year with NYO Alive. Tickets for performance in Birmingham on 2 August are Free for Teens (under 19) and we would love to fill the hall with teenage energy! 

Teachers please share this information with your young people - FREE FOR TEENS tickets for NYO Alive! \uD83C\uDF0E\uD83C\uDFBB\uD83C\uDFB6\uD83E\uDEF6 

 Join us on 2 August at the Symphony Hall, Birmingham as The National Youth Orchestra breathe new life into orchestral music, together with soprano Masabane Cecilia Rangwanasha and conductor Carlos Miguel Prieto! 

 Share the joy of being alive, with music that captures the essence of the human spirit\u202F\uD83D\uDCAB\u263A\uFE0F  

 For more info and to book your tickets, head to NYO website: