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Curriculum Overview

As an enterprising school at the heart of the community, Bordesley Green Girls’ School & Sixth Form aims to provide an outstanding education, enabling all staff and students to reach their potential.

 With this in mind, our curriculum vision is to provide

      • Academic excellence, promoting a desire for lifelong learning
      • Inspirational teaching and outstanding learning.
      • Enrichment opportunities that build leadership, independence and resilience.
      • Opportunities for our students to become well- rounded, confident and responsible citizens who make positive contributions to society

In order to deliver our vision, BGGS staff raise aspirations by constructing a curriculum that enhances the learning of our students and enables pathways into employment. Our curriculum offers breadth and is increasingly challenging while remaining inclusive. Staff ensure that our most vulnerable students have outcomes in line with their peers, planning and coordinating educational pathways in a manner that maximises the students’ life chances. In addition, colleagues continually explore and embrace new technologies to refine and extend the learning opportunities offered.

If you want more information than is displayed here, then please contact Ms D Allen, Deputy Head at the school.

Curriculum Intent

 Birmingham Curriculum Statement

The School Timetable

Key Stage 3, (Years 7 - 9)

Key Stage 4, (Years 10 & 11)

Key Stage 5, (Years 12 & 13)

Enterprise & Enrichment Days

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 Curriculum Intent

Since our curriculum aims to provide a broad and balanced experience for all our students, it is delivered both through a taught curriculum and an enrichment curriculum. Learning happens in lessons but also in form-time, assemblies, games, educational visits, enrichment and enterprise days, school productions and community work.

The school’s three year KS3 programme of study ensures that there is no narrowing of the curriculum, maximising student choices at KS4. Students secure a depth of knowledge and skills preparing and equipping them for an inspirational and challenging KS4 and KS5 and, ultimately, the world of work.

Embedded within the curriculum are regular opportunities for our students to learn beyond the classroom through enriching learning experiences and extra-curricular activities.  Inclusive by design, our school curriculum is personalised to the needs of our students.  Regardless of ability, the school aims to both support and challenge each individual in their learning.

Assessment of learning is always constructive and purposeful.  The school designs the assessment procedures to measure the extent to which the learning has been effective, ensuring that knowledge has been thoroughly understood and is securely embedded in students’ long-term memory. Assessment methods used include a variety of channels; live conversations, questioning, low stakes testing and planned formal assessment, as well as teaching students to judge their learning for themselves.  Using a variety of assessment techniques ensures that students receive feedback about their progress in a range of ways, increasing its value. 

The curriculum the school teaches to Years 7 to 11 complies fully with the requirements of the National Curriculum, and it is reviewed annually to ensure it remains so.

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  The School Timetable

The school runs a timetable cycle over two weeks; each weekday has five lessons, giving a twenty five period week and a fifty lesson cycle.  Lessons are all an hour long except for Wednesdays when the lessons are each fifty-five minutes long.  Timetabled teaching periods are either single lessons or double ones, (more common in the Sixth Form). 

In addition to the teaching periods, each morning begins with a 20 minute long session registration and form time, or an assembly.

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  Key Stage 3

 Key Stage 3 students, (Years 7, 8 and 9), all follow a balanced three year programme that delivers the National Curriculum across the subject areas. 

All students study the Key Stage 3 core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science, PE, RE and PSHE. In addition in Key Stage 3 all students are taught Design Technology, Art, Computing, Languages, Geography, History, PE, RE, Drama and Music

For Languages, All Year 7 students are taught French. In Year 8, students study another language: one of Arabic, Spanish or Urdu, in addition to French. In Year 9 students study one language. At the end of Year 8 students make a choice as to which one of the two languages they wish to continue to study in Year 9.

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  Key Stage 4

 All Key Stage 4 students study English, Mathematics, Science (Separate or Combined Science GCSE), PE, RE, PSHE and IT. 

In addition to the core curriculum all students will choose up to four option subjects.  We are pleased to be able to offer a wide range of Key Stage 4 courses and are confident that students can choose combinations of courses on which they are most able to succeed. We feel that students should follow a curriculum which suits their preferred way of working, interests, and ability and future aspirations.

Most students will study one core language from Arabic, French, Spanish or Urdu. In addition, students must choose to study either Geography or History. Students can opt for any combination of a further two subjects at KS4 from Art, Drama, Design Technology, Geography, History, Health and Social Care, Hospitality and Catering, Music, PE, Psychology and Computing. 

At Bordesley Green we encourage most of our students to study the full range of English Baccalaureate subjects, so for most students their options consists of one language, one humanity subject (Geography or History) and two other subjects. Triple Science is an option subject: students can opt two take GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics plus a language, a humanity and one other option.

A small number of students follow a reduced curriculum which includes the core curriculum plus supported study and two or three option subjects, without a language.

As students in Key Stage 4 choose their preferred route for post 16 pathways, a comprehensive IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) programme supports them. This involves tutors, one to one conversations and an extensive offer of information sessions and meetings, and events.

All students have four hours of statutory PE a fortnight; the school regards participation in sport as vital both as part of a healthy lifestyle and for developing self-discipline. 

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Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form)

 The Sixth Form currently offers a wide range of courses at Level 3, (A Level or equivalent), and GCSE retakes for English and Maths.  As a result, our staff are confident that students can choose the combinations of courses on which they are most able to succeed. As in the main school, staff feel that students should follow a curriculum that suits their preferred way of working, interests, and ability and future aspirations. Click here for full details of the courses offered and pathways within the Sixth Form

 Sixth Form students can follow any of 3 different pathways:

  • A Level programme of study over two years
  • BTEC Extended Diploma programme of study over two years, or
  • Level 2 BTEC study over one year alongside Level 3 courses, retaking GCSE Mathematics and/ or English.

 Most of the A Level students study three subjects, although in some cases they may study four.  Year 12 students are encouraged to take part in the Extended Project, as this is both excellent preparation for any student aspiring to university and accredited with UCAS points.   

 An additional part of KS5 curriculum is Enrichment.

Some students participate in a rotation of a range of activities including sports, arts and design technology. Other students opt for a longer term project, including Engineering, STEM or Debating. Students are encouraged to do something to support the community, whether it be supporting the local community, volunteering in hospitals, working in local charity shops or mentoring within the school, for example as Mental Health Leads and Literacy  leaders.

Sixth Form Taught Curriculum – taught in five option blocks



A Levels 

  • Arabic
  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business
  • Chemistry
  • English Literature
  • Geography
  • French
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Further Mathematics
  • Law
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Sociology
  • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
  • L3 BTEC Children’s Play and Learning Development
  • L3 BTEC Health and Social Care
  • L3 BTEC Applied Science: Biomedical Science route
  • L2 BTEC Work Skills
  • L3 Cambridge Level 3 Technical Information Technology



  • GCSE English
  • GCSE Mathematics

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Enrichment Days

Bordesley Green Girls’ School offers an exciting programme of Enrichment Days.  These comprise three individual days throughout the academic year, each tailored to our curriculum and extra-curricular provision. Although the school’s main curriculum is, (rightly), academic and challenging, staff are justifiably proud of the vibrant range of extra-curricular activities that the school offers. The Enrichment Days bridge these two vital areas of School life, allowing staff to devise activities that complement and evolve classroom-based work, and harness the dynamism and flexibility of our extra-curricular provision. 

The Enrichment Days include school-based events, visits to museums and art galleries and sites of historical significance and presentations by guest speakers. All of these activities are motivated by the desire to offer students further opportunities to not only acquire new knowledge and understanding, but also, significantly, to develop skills and habits, which help broaden horizons and strengthen character.  A great deal of creativity and industry is evident in the Enrichment Days programme, and staff, both teaching and support, are to be thanked and congratulated for this

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